Embrace your Transformation

My name is Conni Deloria. I am a certified Emotion Code & Body Code Practitioner. I am also a Trauma-Informed Manifestation Coach, EFT and Mind Renewal Facilitator. I host the Godspeak podcast and the Reader's Nook Publication on substack.

After hundreds of client sessions focused on inner healing, I've uncovered something surprising: a quick, painless method to shed emotional baggage through energy healing.

I know that might raise an eyebrow. But here's the thing – I've spent the last eight years working with my own inner healing and then working on dozens of men & women on self-worth, authentic desire, and personal and professional growth. And let me tell you, I've seen countless men & women struggle to be honest with themselves about what they truly want.

person wearing red jacket and blue denim jeans pulling luggage bag while walking on pathway

This energy healing technique? It's different. It cuts through the noise, the self-doubt, and the old stories we tell ourselves. It's about finally letting go of what's been holding you back, without the long, drawn-out process you might expect.

Discover Healing

Chart courtesy of Discover Healing

Curious? I bet. Because deep down, you know there's more to life than carrying around old hurts and limitations. You're ready for change, even if it comes in an unexpected package.

I grew up not knowing how to process my emotions. I didn't know how. I shut them down thinking it was the best way.

I felt sick, unheard, depressed. I struggled with these feelings for years, believing that suppressing my emotions was the only way to cope. I pushed through life, ignoring the weight of unprocessed feelings, thinking this was normal.

I felt trapped in a cycle of emotional numbness and confusion.

I felt like there was no way out of this emotional maze.

Eventually, I dedicated myself to working on my mental and emotional health. I learned about how to process my emotions, discovering tools and techniques that opened up a whole new world of self-awareness and healing.

This journey wasn't easy, but it was transformative. I went from emotional suppression to emotional intelligence, from feeling stuck to feeling empowered.

It’s time to Embrace Your Transformation by booking your Emotion Code session.

Imagine waking up with renewed energy, clarity, and a lightness of being.

This is your moment to take that step for yourself, to heal, and to step into the vibrant life you’ve always dreamed of.

Remember, your journey to emotional freedom begins with just one small step.

You deserve to feel light, joyful, and truly connected to yourself. Let’s walk this path together and unlock the vibrant life that’s waiting for you.

I can’t wait to see you thrive.


Emotion Code FAQ: How It Works Step by Step

1. What is the Emotion Code?

The Emotion Code is an energy healing technique designed to help identify and release trapped emotions—negative emotional energies that can affect your well-being, behavior, and overall health.

2. How does the Emotion Code identify trapped emotions?

The process involves muscle testing, a form of biofeedback that allows you to communicate directly with your subconscious mind. By asking yes-or-no questions, the practitioner can pinpoint specific emotions that are trapped in your body.

3. What is muscle testing?

Muscle testing, also known as applied kinesiology, involves using your body’s response to questions to access the subconscious. A weak response (muscle giving way) usually indicates a “no,” while a strong response indicates a “yes.”

4. What happens after a trapped emotion is identified?

Once a trapped emotion is identified, the next step is to release it. This is typically done by running a magnet over your governing meridian (a central energy line running from the forehead to the back of the neck) while holding the intention to release the emotion. This action helps to dissipate the trapped energy.

5. What role does the subconscious mind play?

The subconscious mind is like a vast archive of your life experiences, including those that have led to trapped emotions. Through the Emotion Code, we tap into this reservoir to uncover and heal emotional blockages that the conscious mind may not be aware of.

6. How many emotions can be released in a session?

This varies from person to person. Some people may release several trapped emotions in one session, while others may need more time to address deeper or more complex issues.

7. What can I expect to feel after an Emotion Code session?

After a session, you might feel lighter, more at ease, or emotionally balanced. Some people experience immediate relief, while others notice gradual improvements in their mood, energy levels, or even physical symptoms.

8. How often should I have an Emotion Code session?

The frequency of sessions depends on your individual needs and goals. Some people benefit from weekly sessions, while others might space them out more. Your practitioner can help guide you based on your progress.

9. Can Emotion Code work for everyone?

Yes, the Emotion Code can benefit anyone who is open to the process. However, the effectiveness can vary depending on factors like individual readiness, willingness to release old patterns, and belief in the process.

10. Can I do the Emotion Code on myself?

Yes, with proper training, you can perform the Emotion Code on yourself. Many people find it empowering to learn how to identify and release their own trapped emotions. However, working with a certified practitioner can be beneficial, especially for more complex issues.

How It Works:

1. Click the Link

Start by clicking below. This will take you to our scheduling page where you can see all available time slots. Are you ready to thrive?

2. Choose Your Date and Time

Browse through the calendar and select a date and time that works best for you. Emotion Code sessions are 30 minutes long, giving us ample time to address your needs.

3. Select Your Session Type

You have two options:

- Phone Session: We'll connect via phone for a live, interactive experience.

- Email Sessions : If you prefer, I can conduct the Emotion Code session remotely and email you your results.

4. Specify Your Focus

During the booking process, you'll have the opportunity to share your primary focus. This helps me prepare for our session and ensures we make the most of our time together.

5. Confirm Your Booking

Once you've made your selections, confirm your booking. You'll receive a confirmation email with all the details.

What to Expect:

In your 30-minute Emotion Code session, we'll work to identify and release up to 10 trapped emotions related to your specific focus. This targeted approach allows for efficient and effective emotional healing.

Ready to start your journey towards emotional freedom? Book your session now!

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    The Emotion Code and any information or services provided in connection with it are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease or medical condition. This practice is not a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of information you have received during an Emotion Code session or through related materials. If you think you may have a medical emergency, call your doctor or emergency services immediately. Reliance on any information provided by Emotion Code practitioners, website content, or other attendees is solely at your own risk.